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Natural treatment ways for bladder infection you have to know

2014-10-14 16:45

Natural treatment ways for bladder infection you have to know

Bladder infection can bring many signs include a bad smell, cloudy urine and pain. Bladder infection patients continue to be on the lookout for good remedies as this condition can be rather sore and embarrassing, even though it is not life-threatening disease.

Bladder infection can be treated by many options such as antibiotic like trimethoprim, amoxicillin, cephalosporins, Nitrofurantoin and so on, but today I'd like to introduce some natural ways for bladder infection people.
The first treatment i'd like to introduce is Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. Bladder infection commonly is caused by bacterial infection, but because antibiotic has drug resistance and side-effects, it is better for patients to take Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill replace it. This herbal pill won't bring damages to liver and kidney. What's more, this herbal medicine also can clear away heat and toxic materials, promote blood circulation, dissipate hard lumps, dissolve stasis and improve Qi and release pain. This pill also won't bring drug resistance to patient, thus, no matter how long you have to take it, the curative effect will be as good as the first day. Generally speaking, three months treatment is enough.
In order to clear all infection, you also can take cranberry juice. To remove infection, you need to imbibe cranberry juice or tablets However, those who have a history of kidney problems aren't advised to take this remedy as it can exacerbate their condition. 
Bacteria can also dissipate when you snack on fruits such as pineapple, blueberries, or apples. In order to relieve the pain caused by the bladder infection, you can apply hot water compress on your pelvic region. In order to treat the condition, you may require surgery in the worst-case scenario.
The three ways can help patient get rid of bladder infection, but Prevention is better than cure, patient have to pay much attention to this disease and do good health care everyday. People can choose 30 minutes exercise everyday to enhance immunity system.
source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/UTI/20131029/514.html

How does epididymitis affect quality of sperm?

2014-09-25 15:45

Epididymis is a reproductive organ with long and thin shape of strip which is closed to the testicles. Epididymal secretions contain rich nutrients, like fructose which are indispensable material for sperm' growth. We all mistakenly believe seminal vesicle is the storage place and cultivating place of sperm. In fact, Epididymis is the cradle for cultivating sperm and seminal vesicle is the key process for sperm' discharge. From the above introduction, epididymitis affect quality of sperm directly, and it can lead to male sterility. So how does epididymis affect sperm' quality?

1, Cut off the sperm' supply: The interior of the epididymis has more than ten complex tiny pipes in the upper part of the testes, nutrients are conveyed to sperm through the small tube. The small tube will be congestive and dropsical if epididymis is infected with inflammation, which reduces the supply ability of raising a sperm. What's worse is epididymis is in a state of stopping to supply completely.
2, Block the sperm' normal output: Because inflammation can make tube dropsical and congestive, so sperm was blocked in the epididymis tube. Besides, the life-pan of the sperm is limited, long-standing obstruction in a small tube causes obstructed sperm less or none.
3, Reduce the sperm' activity ability: Some pathogens (such as escherichia coli) can cause damage to sperm in epididymis pipe directly. That can reduce or inhibit sperm' activities after epididymis is infected by pathogens. Inflammatory response produces a large number of metabolites which can poison sperm or change sperm's living conditions, decreases sperm'motility or the number of sperm, increases dead number of sperm and the rate of malformed sperm, etc.
4, Bundle the sperm: Epididymitis is the key factor to form antisperm antibody. After the sperm antibody forms, they are mixed in semen, overtake sperm, surrounded sperm or adsorb on the surface of sperm and kill all sperm.
Dr. Lee suggests patients come to hospital to have a check timely, avoid using medicine blindly. Chinese natural medicine diuretic anti-inflammatory pill has good effect on treating epididymitis. Diuretic anti-inflammatory pills have the function of clearing away heat and toxic materials, and invigorating the circulation of blood. Besides that, Diuretic anti-inflammatory pills have no side effect such as drug resistance.
articel source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Orchitis_Epididymitis/20140309/534.html

Infection is the most common cause of epididymitis

2014-09-25 15:45

Epididymitis is infection of the  epididymis, a curved structure at the back of the testicle, in which sperms get matured and stored. Infection of this part presents with the onset of testicular pain. A lump is often found at the top of the testes. The condition is often accompanied by swelling, redness, and warmth in the scrotal area. Fever can be present. Sometimes, epididymitis can be related to orchitis in which the inflammation spreads to the testicles.

Infection is the most common cause– bacterial infection accounts for over 80% cases. There are two distinct methods of getting Epididymitis; one which are sexually transmitted and the other which are transmitted by Coliforms (organisms living in intestines).
For men who are below 39 years of age, Chlamydia Trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhea (responsible for sexually transmitted diseases Chlamydia and Gonorrhea respectively) are main organisms affecting up to 50% - 60% people.
For men who are more than 39 years of age, Coliforms become the causative organisms. The specific organism is Escherichia Coli, residing in intestine and giving rise to bladder infections. The transmission of E.Coli may happen during anal inter course or in case of sex with homosexuals. It can also be due to any birth related abnormality, which manifests in the form of urinal tract disorders.
Other microbes having very less presence are Ureaplasma, Mycobacterium (main causative organism for Orchitis) and Cytomegalovirus or Salmonella species in patients suffering from HIV.
Treatment of epididymitis is usually by antibiotics if an infection is suspected. The treatment of choice is often azithromycin and cefixime to cover both gonorrhoea and chlamydia. But antibiotics often can't cure epididymitis completely. Once epididymitis becomes chronic, herbal medicine is a better choice. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is the best herbal medicine to treat chronic epididymitis in three months.
article source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Orchitis_Epididymitis/20130812/473.html

Patients should know the causes and complications of prostatitis

2014-09-12 15:57

If you are a prostatitis patient, there is no doubt that you know what is prostatitis and what kind of symptoms this disease will lead to. However, as a prostatitis patient, he should know more about this disease such as complications, causes, treatments, exams of prostatitis. Here is to introduce some more information about this disease.

Prostatitis is a disease happens on men's prostate gland that is known by every patient, but only a few know that prostatitis has four types which are acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and prostatodynia.
Why prostatitis sufferers should know this? Because different types are caused by different reasons, thus, the treatments are different too. Let's take the first type for example. Acute bacterial prostatitis is a sudden bacterial infection marked by inflammation of the prostate. Patients with this type have an acute urinary tract infection with increased urinary frequency and urgency, need to urinate a lot at night, and have pain in the pelvis and genital area. They often have fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and burning when urinating. Acute bacterial prostatitis requires prompt treatment, as the condition can lead to bladder infection, abscesses in the prostate or, in extreme cases, completely blocked urine flow. However, if your prostatitis is chronic nonbacterial, this kind of treatment is useless. For there is no bacterium for antibiotic to kill and even there are bacteria, those bacteria are not allergic to antibiotic, thus, chronic type cannot be cured by antibiotic with weeks. 
Prostatitis patients not only have to choose the right treatment but also have to choose the right time, for if left untreated, patients can experience impotence, premature ejaculate, confusion and low blood pressure. All kind of prostatitis can be cured by herbal medicine named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. But because herbal medicine works slowly, so i recommend chronic prostatitis to take this pill.
article source : http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Prostatitis/Acute_prostatitis/2013/0917/1061.html

Can sexual dysfunction be caused by acute prostatitis?

2014-09-12 15:57

Prostatitis is a common male disease that occurs on prostate gland. This disease has four common types which are: acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and Chronic prostate pain syndrome(CPPS). Prostatitis usually brings urgent urination, frequent urination, painful urination to men. This disease not only has high relapse rate, but also is hard to cure. So many men are curious that have sexual dysfunction got connection with acute prostatitis? Dr. Lee will answer this question by give details of  its symptoms and complications.

Systematic symptoms 
When affecting this disease, men can experience fever, vomiting, chills and so on. When this disease becomes sever, men even can shock, because bacteria enter into blood circulation, leading to toxic septicemia.
UTI symptoms
Prostatitis patients also can experience those symptoms which are similar with UTI’s. When patients has difficult in urinating( urine cannot be flushed out and stays in bladder for some reasons) and bloody urine that means this disease become severer.
Sexual dysfunction
Prostatitis men also have the chance of experience painful sexual intercourse, painful erection, ejaculation, impotence, and blood semen. So, sexual dysfunction has connection with acute prostatitis. However, one has had sexual dysfunction, that doesn't mean this person has had acute prostatitis, for his sexual dysfunction also can be caused by other reasons such as epididymis and so on.
All in all, once you have had sexual dysfunction, please go and see doctors. He or she will recommend some tests for you to lower down options. If your sexual dysfunction do is caused by acute prostatitis, please receive treatment - antibiotic, massage, pain killer or herbal medicine named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill as soon as possible. And when your acute prostatitis is cured, your sexual dysfunction will disappear too.
article source : http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Prostatitis/Acute_prostatitis/2013/0927/1067.html


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